Carbon Fibre Airplanes Will Leave Jet Lag Behind

Young or old it is something which affects us all on the long haul flights. Jet lag. We are sure however you as much as us at The Gentleman Select will adore this next piece of news. Airbus and Qatar Airways have teamed up to bring us a fleet of carbon fibre planes specifically designed to prevent jet lag, leaving all passengers completely fresh as they arrive in a different time zone. How is such wizzardry posssible I hear you ask, well it is simply through the planes interior LED lighting and temperture control systems that change throughout the flight to properly adjust your body clock on the journey. The wonderful benefit of having the planes constructed from carbon fibre is that it is lighter and more durable to corrosion than current alluminium models just now.

The new fleet of carbon fibre planes are a result of £10 billion worth of funding and 2,600 hours of test flights including the new Qatar Airways A350 Airbus completing a round trip betwen New York and Qatar. We can only hope these airplanes are with us sooner rather than later.





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